How to Set-Up WiFi and Mobile Alerts for Your EcoWater 3700 Series
June 8, 2018
Need help setting up the WiFI on your new EcoWater 3700 Series and configuring the mobile alerts? We’ll show you how in this video.
Is My Water Safe to Drink if it Smells Like Hydrogen Sulfide?
May 14, 2018
Many people have water that gives off a rotten egg-like smell. If you do, you might ask – is it safe to drink? Is it going to hurt me? We’ll answer your questions about having water that smells like hydrogen sulfide in this video.
How Do I Set-Up My Reverse Osmosis WiFi on My HydroLink ERO-375?
May 11, 2018
Do you need help setting up the WiFI on your new HydroLink ERO-375? We’ll show you how in this video.
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